How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby

Most couples dream of having a child. It is also a huge responsibility. The womb protects the fetus naturally. It is up to you, the parents, to ensure that it remains safe, healthy, comfortable, and happy once it has emerged from its protective shell.

There is a lot on how to take care of a newborn baby. Know well what the infant needs in terms of food and rest. You can also get more information about the best newborn baby care via

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Steps to take care of a newborn baby

Baby skincare: Skincare is crucial since the baby's skin is very sensitive and gets easily inflamed. There are some common skin conditions in infants such as baby acne, sunburn, and rash. The skin is red to the point that it is painful to touch.

Umbilical cord: Until the umbilical cord falls off, this area must be kept clean. Make sure it is dried thoroughly after a bath. Fold the diaper below the umbilical cord to avoid rubbing. After it falls off, there will be a small wound. Blood is normal, but if you see pus, contact your doctor.

Heat rash and sunburn: It is advised that children below the age of 6 months should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It could cause severe rash and sunburn. 

If you must take them out, make sure you cover as much skin as possible with long sleeve tops and pants. For children above 6 months, you can rub a little child-friendly sunscreen on the exposed skin areas.