Vitamins Or Dietary Supplements That Can Impact Your GI Health

The digestive system was once thought to be a pretty rudimentary and simple body system. We all know that the body needs good, nutritious food to function well, and the gut is no exception. 

While a balanced diet is the first step toward a healthy gut, there are also some vitamins and supplements that can help support GI health. You can even find all-natural dietary supplements via

Supplements can support the process of digestion with the benefits of:

  • Better absorption of nutrients.

  • Ensuring you do not end up with diarrhea or become constipated.

  • Preventing pain or discomfort that can occur during the digestion process.

Vitamin D

If you’re only going to take one supplement, let it be vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins, but it’s estimated that nearly 1 billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient. 

While vitamin D is essential to many of the body’s functions, it is especially important to GI health, helping the body absorb calcium, easing the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Disease, and is even linked to preventing many kinds of cancer including colon cancer. 

It is possible to get vitamin D naturally from foods like oily fish and egg yolks, from fortified foods like cow’s milk and orange juice, and from regular sun exposure. However, most people don’t eat enough of these foods or have enough time in the sun to get the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.

As an adult, look for a supplement with 1,000 IU of vitamin D2 or D3. Most multivitamins don’t provide enough vitamin D, so it may be better to opt for a standalone vitamin D supplement to ensure you are getting an adequate amount.