The Top 3 Treatments for Dry Eye

Dry eye affects almost everyone at some point because these symptoms can be caused by many different factors.

Allergy, various medications and hormonal imbalances can all cause this problem. lifestyle factors such as lack of vitamin A in food, living in the highlands or working on a computer all day can dry your eyes out too. You can browse if you want to know more about dry eye.

The risk of developing dry eye, presbyopia and other chronic ocular conditions increases with age. Some parents also increased the problem of dry eye after cataract surgery.

Recommended Treatment

Your eye doctor will determine the best treatment option for you based on the cause of your symptoms. There are three basic ways of correcting the dry eye:

Lubricants Drops

Over-the-counter or prescription eye drops containing lubricating materials most frequently used to treat eye dryness. Lubricating gel and inserts that dissolve over time and keep the eyes moist longer than drops do may be advisable in some cases.

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Eye drops containing corticosteroids are often used to reduce severe inflammation. continuous steroid use can cause problems, so it is important to treat the underlying issues that cause dryness of the eyes, if possible


Sometimes the infection can cause problems with tear production by causing the channel that provides fluid to the surface of the eye to swell shut. If you have inflammation caused by a bacterial infection, you may be prescribed antibiotics to treat dryness of your eyes

Drainage Plug

In some cases, dryness of the eyes caused by tear production was not sufficient and the use of artificial tears do not provide sufficient relief.

Temporary and permanent methods can be used to block the drainage channels in the upper and lower eyelids to keep the eyes moist for longer periods of time. Small silicone inserts (punctal plugs) can be slid into the channel, or channels can be burned to close to the surgery.