What You May Not Know About Foundation Repair

 The discovery of a crack in a recently completed house is bound to be an unsettling experience for the owners. Cracks basically indicate an underlying problem that could point to more extensive damage. Serious damage then points to costly upkeep. Before you can look into foundation repair, you should start by understanding that each crack says something about the damage that has occurred to your foundation.

Construction experts have categorized cracks into three main groups: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal cracks. Vertical cracks are the ones you are likely to encounter. However, they are not as severe as the rest. Diagonal cracks typically run across the basement wall. Horizontal cracks can run sideways and are considered to be the most severe.

The foundation of a structure is normally affected by various factors, e. G., the presence of trees near the house and high moisture content in the soil. Soil weakening below and around the base of your home is the leading cause of damage to your residence. It can be due to the prolonged presence of drought conditions that force the soil to become dry and start contracting.

Signs to look for to determine whether the base is damaged will include cracked walls, bowed floors, cracked chimneys, and leaking from the roof. Additional signs include nails popping out, windows and doors that stick when you close or open them, and the presence of gaps between the sills and window frames. Also, be on the lookout for the presence of mold on your roof.

Several methods can be used to repair a damaged base. Patching, for instance, is used by the construction experts to fill in any cracks that may have started to form in the walls. Contractors normally use epoxy resin to fill in these cracks. A contractor can also opt to use polyurethane foam to ensure that moisture does not get into the walls.

Maintenance conducted using piers will involve placing steel piles or piers under a house that has a weak footing. Contractors begin by excavating the ground near the base. They then insert piers into the space they have created. The holes are filled with concrete to provide extra strength. Grout can also be added below the steel piles to get rid of any available space and also provide some reinforcement.

The wall anchor system is another method used to repair a loose or weak footing. The idea behind its use is it assists in stabilizing the basement and footing walls. Increased lateral pressure on a wall from the surrounding soil is the main cause of bowing. When the pressure becomes too much, the wall slowly starts to bulge. A rod gets inserted into the footing wall from inside to assist in reducing the pressure.

Pressed piling is a method that involves placing a precast cylinder made from concrete on top of other similar cylinders. The cylinders have to be placed in the area beneath the footing. For this to happen, a hole will need to be dug beneath the footing slab. The contractor will then start to insert the cylinders one by one.