Dealing with Chilblains

Chilblains are what is identified as a non-freezing cold problem. It is a condition that happens in the cold however it is not a freezing cold problem such as frostbite. They are an abnormal response of the small blood vessels within the feet to a change in temperature from cold temperatures to warm. Usually when the foot is cooler, the blood vessels close up to conserve warmth. In general once the foot is warmed up those arteries really should open up to increase circulation to the tissues. With a chilblain the blood vessels remain closed up for a longer interval of time after which they at some point and instantly open up. This causes an inflammatory response that triggers a painful red region on the foot. After a few days waste material develop in the skin and the colour changes to a darkish blue colour. They are generally rather painful.

The ideal way to deal with a chilblain should be to not get one to begin with. You need to do this by certainly not enabling the foot to get cooler using comfortable socks and protective footwear. If the feet may get cooler, then it is imperative that you let it warm up slowing to give the blood circulation the chance to respond to that heating. It's the too fast warming up of your skin that is the problem in a chilblain. If a chilblain should occur, then it must be protected. Good warmer hosiery along with shoes have to be used. Using a chilblain cream to rub them supports the blood flow and helps with eradicating those waste material that have built up. If the skin becomes damaged, then correct dressing with antiseptics needs to be used and kept being used until it gets better since there is a heavy risk for an infection. It is then imperative that you prevent any more chilblains occuring in up coming days or else there is a possibility that this results in being a persistent issue.

Just why is overpronation so important?

The way in which the feet function or works may have a an important effect on the rest of the body. The feet are widely considered as the foundation of the body and just like the tall building analogy, if that platform is not right, then something could go wrong above. There are many different types of biomechanical conditions that can affect that platform and how the foot interacts with the surface. That interaction will have numerous affects further up the body.

Among the issues that can go wrong is something that is widely given the name “overpronation”. This word is often used and abused, so probably should not be used. The phrase refers to the feet rolling inwards at the rearfoot and the arch of the foot flattening. This really is quite a normal motion and is only a concern if there to too much of it. The reason why the word is such a problem is that there is no understanding about what is too much and what is actually normal. This can lead to lots of indecision in research as well as in clinical practice, particularly when choices have to be made if the overpronation ought to be treated or not.

The impact that this issue may have on the body are claimed to vary from hallux valgus and plantar fasciitis in the feet to lower leg and knee problems in runners. There are several ways to treat it, again with a lot of difference of opinion between health care professionals regarding the best way to treat it. Rationally dealing with the overpronation should be geared towards the cause and there is no such thing as a one size fits all. When the condition is caused by tight calf muscles, then stretches of those tight muscles would be the reasonable method. When the problem is the control of muscles at the hip, then the therapy really should be geared towards that. If the condition is caused by weak foot muscles, then that is the best place to start the rehab with exercises. When the problem is due to a bony alignment trouble in the foot, then foot supports will often be prescribed.