Why You Need to Stop Your Child’s Thumb Sucking Habit

Thumb sucking is a normal habit that comes from a baby's natural instincts to suck. At some point the baby can find their thumb and start sucking as a new discovery found. It starts as a normal thing, but can lead to problems, because children are increasing age. You can stop finger sucking via https://www.amazon.com.au/Age-2-7-STOP-Thumb-Sucking/dp/B00VQU2DZS.

(Age 2-7) STOP Thumb Sucking - stop FINGER Sucking - The Hand Stopper thumb guard

It is important not to encourage your child to suck their thumbs, even though some children grow from this habit, many are not and begin to rely on thumbs up to suck emotional problems.

Here are main reasons you have to stop your child's thumb suck now:

1. Dental problems – Sucking thumbs known to cause dental problems such as teeth misalignment and front teeth that stand out if they are not known as buck teeth or jaw development problems.

2. Barriers to greeting – Sucking thumbs can cause lispings and other talk disorders.

3. Tongue encouragement – almost uncontrolled conditions caused by sucking thumbs is handing. This is when uncontrollable tongues continue to push out of the mouth while talking.

4. Infection – The hands are often the dirtiest part of a childs body. By placing their thumb in their mouths they are introducing germs into their mouths that can not only cause sickness but conditions such as thrush – an oral yeast infection in the mouth.