Consider The Barretts Values Assessment Solution

If you're struggling to create and keep your company's values consistent, a Barrett values assessment solution could be the answer. By pinpointing core values that reflect your business’s heart and personality, you can focus on what makes your company unique. Barrett Values is a framework for developing and assessing organizational values. 

The five core values of the Barrett Values Framework are excellence, diversity, integrity, passion, and commitment. The Barrett Values Assessment Solution can be used to assess the values of an organization from the perspective of employees, customers, or suppliers. The assessment includes a questionnaire that asks respondents to rate how strongly they agree or disagree with statements about their own values and the values of the organization as a whole.

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The results of a Barrett Values Assessment can help organizations identify areas where they need to focus their efforts in order to support their core values and create a cohesive culture across all levels of the organization. By understanding how employees value their work environment and what actions they take based on those values, managers can better manage employee behavior and ensure compliance with organizational policies.

The main benefit of using the Barrett Values Assessment solution is that it can help identify areas where your organization needs to focus its efforts in order to maintain its values. Additionally, it can help you determine which values are most important to your organization and how well they are being implemented.