Overview Of Talcum Powder And Ovarian Cancer

The use of talcum powder for feminine hygiene has been found to cause ovarian cancer. Women around the nation are filing talcum powder cancer claims against Johnson & Johnson.

Ovarian cancer development depends on a number of factors, there are shreds of evidence that reveal the fact that the powder particles can travel through the fallopian tubes and ovaries, increases the risk of development of ovarian cancer.

If you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, then you must gather all the information about talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit.

talcum powder

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Talc is a mineral found in natural deposits around the world. Comprised of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen, talc is widely used in a variety of industrial, cosmetic, and household products. While talc is generally considered safe for external uses, the substance has been found to be carcinogenic when inhaled or used on the genitals.

The company has also managed to keep the products on the market without warning for nearly half a century after the original discovery.

Thousands of lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of talcum powder, by women or their families who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using body care products containing talc. If you or a woman in your family was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have a history of using talcum powder, you may have grounds to file a baby powder lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson.